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    Kapital FM 92.9 The Station that Rocks!


Ifeoluwa Ajayi


Ifeoluwa Ajayi is a captivating On-Air Personality (OAP) who graces the airwaves of KFM with her delightful presence. With a sweet and melodic voice that enchants listeners, she has become a beloved figure in the broadcasting industry. Once she holds the microphone, Ifeoluwa undergoes a remarkable transformation, captivating her audience and leaving them spellbound.

She brings a wealth of life experiences and warmth to her on-air persona.

Ifeoluwa’s ability to connect with her audience is unparalleled. Through her engaging delivery and charismatic presence, she creates an immersive and entertaining experience for her listeners. Whether she’s sharing captivating stories, conducting insightful interviews, or simply playing the best music, Ifeoluwa’s passion for her work is evident.

As an OAP on KFM, Ifeoluwa has undoubtedly become a familiar and cherished voice in the hearts of her listeners. Her dedication to her craft, combined with her magnetic personality, sets her apart and ensures that each moment spent listening to her on the radio is a memorable one.

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